Dining Room



Dining room faux finish is by artist Patrick Sheehan.  Finish was inspired by cathedral in Italy from a visit in 2010.  Art work on the walls are by the same artist.  You can see the images on our at  Fourth Wall Murals or our page.

Eternally Correct – artist Patrick Sheehan





About Siobhan Sheehan

The name, Urban and Upscale, goes way, way back. Its beginning hinges on a gal named Eileen. Born in Maine, Eileen moved to New York during the depression and grew up in the Bronx. Ever ahead of her time, Eileen was always, the one to lead the way in fashioning her home and her surroundings. Her style, her wit and her ability to make a home out of the most meager of surroundings was the envy of the neighbors. Eileen didn't just create a home, she created an urban nest for her brood. When the decision came for me to "name" the company, I went back to my roots, Eileen. I am her youngest and to me she is and will always be, Urban, Upscale and Fashion Forward.